Friday, July 20, 2007

My Big Toe

For a long time I have been told mean things about my big toes. Frankly, I think my big toes are pretty. I really don't think anything is wrong with them. They are the large size but that is good for better stability when I stand. There are two people in particular that are constantly making fun of my big toe, I think the only reason they make fun of my toes is to higher their self -esteem about their own toes. When you look at their feet their big toes they are shorter than the toe next it, and that is really weird. I told them toes should be in graduating heights, not short, way long then, short, shorter, shortest. They just told me that it was a sign of intelligence, but obviously not because they don't know how say nice things about my toes.


Chlorine Addict said...

Actually, I think I'd have to agree with the second toe being a sign of intelligence. Cause at a certain angle, mine look longer. And if mine are longer... then... Though when I'm standing they look normal. Apparently, I have the best of both worlds.

Lacking Productivity said...

It isn't your toeS we think are is only your big is obsucure in comparission to the rest of your toes, it's almost cartoon-ish, like when a cartoon smashes it's thumb and the thumb gets all huge and red and freaky, that is like what you big toe looks like in comparisson to the rest of your toes and foot all of the time.